Wild As Country Events: Terms and Conditions

Scope Wild As Country (the ‘Festival’) is wholly owned by Wild As Country Pty Ltd ABN 33 655 533 314 and managed by Emedia Campaigns (the ‘Promoter’). All persons attending the Festival including, but not limited to those involved in providing goods or services, guests, ticket holders, volunteers, trade/exhibitors and their staff/contractors (‘Attendees’), agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions), applicable principles of law or equity established by decisions of courts, statutes, regulations or by-laws of the Commonwealth of Australia or Queensland (Laws) and codes of practice, as well as any rules, requirements and directions of the Promoter.

Ticket Types Festival Tickets permit Attendees entry to the Festival at Pine Rivers Park (the 'Festival Precinct'). Accommodation Tickets permit Attendees entry to the camping area adjacent to the Festival Precinct (the 'Campgrounds'). Volunteer and Stallholder Tickets permit volunteers and stallholders entry to the Festival Precinct and the Campgrounds. Festival Shuttle Tickets are also available to Attendees for shuttle bus transfers to and from the Festival Precinct.

Ticket Sales Ticket sales are managed by eMedia and subject to the eMedia Ticketing Terms. The Terms and Conditions contained in this document are to be read in conjunction with the eMedia Ticketing Terms. In the event of any inconsistency between the Terms and Conditions and the eMedia Ticketing Terms, the eMedia Ticketing Terms prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Tickets are sold or provided on the express condition that the holder ('Ticket Holder') is bound by these Terms and Conditions, together with any other conditions, requirements, directions or policies published by the Promoter relating to the Festival from time to time.

A change in personal circumstances does not entitle a Ticket Holder to return or exchange a ticket. Subject to any statutory rights of refund (including, without limitation, the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL)), if the Festival takes place then the Ticket Holder acknowledges and agrees there is no right to a refund or exchange, including where a Ticket Holder cannot attend because of adverse weather conditions or where the Ticket Holder has been requested to leave the Festival for breaching these Terms and Conditions, rules of the Festival Precinct or Campgrounds or the rules, requirements and directions of the Promoter.

Tickets are only available through the official Wild As Country website and sites or vendors approved by the Promoter. Any sites or vendors approved will be listed on the Wild As Country website. Tickets are not to be:

  • resold or offered for resale (including via online auction sites);
  • used for any promotional or other commercial purposes (without the prior written consent of the Promoter); or
  • used to enhance the demand for other goods or services, either by the original purchaser or any subsequent bearer.

Tickets in breach of this condition will be deemed unauthorized and entry may be refused. Tickets purchased through unapproved sites or ticket sellers will not be honoured.

Armbands Where Attendees have purchased Tickets, entry to the Festival Precinct will be granted with the presentation of a bar-coded PDF ticket or a hard copy printed ticket. The ticket will be exchanged for an armband upon arrival (Festival Armbands). Where Attendees have purchased both Festival Tickets and Accommodation Tickets, entry to the Festival Precinct and the Campgrounds will be granted with the presentation of bar-coded PDF tickets or hard copy printed tickets (1 x PDF ticket for the Festival Precinct and 1 x PDF ticket for the Campgrounds). The 2 tickets will be exchanged for an armband upon arrival at the Festival (Festival & Camping Armband).

If Attendees only have a Festival Armband they will not be permitted to enter the Campgrounds for any reason whatsoever. Anyone entering the Festival Precinct or the Campgrounds, or found onsite at either of the above without a valid Festival Armband or Festival & Camping Armband (as applicable), will be deemed to have trespassed, be removed from the Festival, and may be handed over to the Police.

Children All children aged under 12 years of age must be accompanied at all times in the Festival Precinct by a responsible adult, parent or guardian.

All children under 18 years of age ('Minors') must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult, parent or guardian in licensed areas of the Festival Precinct.

Prohibited Items Attendees at the Festival grant permission for a search of personal belongings prior to entry and at the Festival Precinct. Refusal to be searched will constitute a breach of these Terms and Conditions and will result in Attendees being denied entry.

The possession of prohibited items at any time may result in the confiscation of the goods, Attendees being refused entry or Attendees being requested to leave the Festival. Prohibited items may include animals, alcohol, illicit drugs, weapons and flammables. The Promoter may, in their absolute discretion, deem certain items to be restricted in certain areas. Unauthorized and unapproved marketing material that is not part of an exhibition or approved by the Promoter may be confiscated. The Promoter may also in their absolute discretion, deem other objects to be prohibited. This list is non-exhaustive. See the full list of Prohibited Items at https://www.wildascountry.com.au/faq/.

If the Promoters become aware of any Illegal activity or the possession of illegal goods the relevant authorities may be notified.

Smoking and vaping are not permitted in any part of the Festival Precinct except in designated smoking areas, subject to applicable Queensland Health laws (including the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Qld)) in place at the time of the Festival.

Attendee Conduct It is a requirement that Attendees refrain from inappropriate behaviour including, but not limited to bullying, harassment, disruptiveness, being intoxicated or substance affected, antisocial behaviour, aggressiveness, being a nuisance, moshing, crowd surfing, climbing or stage diving or any other behaviour deemed as inappropriate by the Promoter.

Such behaviour may result in the Attendee being ejected at the Promoter’s discretion from all areas of the Festival Precinct and the Campgrounds. Attendees must follow the reasonable directions of Festival and/or Promoter staff, service providers, volunteers or contractors (Festival Personnel) as required and comply with all Laws at all times whilst in the Festival Precinct and on the Campgrounds.

Attendees must not:

  • cause damage to, improperly use, or tamper with any Festival Precinct facility or infrastructure; or
  • cause any damage to flora and fauna on or surrounding the Festival Precinct; or
  • enter any onsite bodies of water at the Festival Precinct. Attendees must not remove or attempt to remove any item or object from the Festival Precinct or surrounding area. Attendees accept full liability and responsibility for any loss or damage caused in contravention of these Terms and Conditions.

Attendees found to be in attendance without correct ticketing authorization or formal identification may also be ejected. Once ejected, Attendees may only re-enter the Festival Precinct and/or Campgrounds (as applicable) at the discretion of the Promoter.

Alcohol & Glass The Festival has several licensed bars. Attendees wishing to purchase and/or consume alcohol must be over 18 years of age and have valid photographic ID. Only alcohol purchased from bars at the Festival may be consumed at the Festival Precinct. Anyone found supplying or buying alcohol for a Minor will be evicted from the Festival Precinct and may face criminal charges. Any Minor found consuming alcohol or in possession of alcohol will face similar action.

Alcohol and glass cannot be brought into the Festival Precinct. Any alcohol or glass brought into the Festival Precinct will be confiscated and will not be returned. The Promoter reserves the right to take appropriate action in such circumstances. Attendees over 18 years of age may however, bring alcohol into the Campgrounds.

Photography & Filming During the Festival, Festival Personnel may photograph or record Attendees on film or other media. By attending, Attendees agree and consent to the capture of these images/recordings, and authorize them to be used, altered, broadcast or otherwise exploited by the Promoter (or those granted permission from the Promoter), without payment, royalty or further approval, in perpetuity. Attendees agree that all intellectual property rights that come into existence as a result of, for the purposes of or in connection with Festival Personal photographing or recording the Festival as well as Attendees, will vest in and is owed by the Promoter on creation.

Attendees are not permitted to bring professional photography equipment (including video or digital cameras) to the Festival without Promoter-issued media accreditation. Festival Personnel will in their absolute discretion, determine whether equipment is considered to be professional photography equipment.

Attendees may not capture, record and broadcast photos, audio recordings and video recordings during the Festival in a way that infringes the intellectual property rights of others. All photos and recordings (audio and visual) of the Festival will be only done in good faith, for non-commercial purposes and must not be likely to bring the reputation of any person or entity into disrepute or ridicule. The Promoter is not responsible for the broadcasting discretion of any Attendees and the use of any photographs or recordings (audio and visual) by Attendees. Attendees agree to fully indemnify the Promoter for any action, claim or proceedings arising from the use by any party of images or recordings (audio and visual).

General Risk & Indemnity The activities and events programmed for the Festival are subject to change. The Promoter reserves the right to change, add, reschedule, withdraw or substitute artists in the Festival line-up and/or vary advertised programs, times, prices, seating arrangements, staging and audience capacity and otherwise vary the Festival Precinct and/or the Campgrounds without prior notification and deny admission to the Festival Precinct and/or Campgrounds (including admission

Terms and Conditions

  1. All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable except in accordance with the applicable laws in the region of purchase.

  2. Event organisers reserve the right to withdraw, reschedule or substitute shows and may vary advertised programs, prices and venues.

  3. No alcohol or illicit drugs are to be brought into the Event site.

  4. No glass, eskys, umbrellas, video cameras or professional cameras are permitted on the Event site.  Audio or visual recordings of the event are prohibited. Still cameras (not professional) are permitted but images may only be used for private purposes and not public display. Patrons offer consent to be included in film and sound recordings of the event and for these recordings to be used by the event organiser.

  5. Ticket to be redeemed at event for wrist band in order to gain entry and re-entry. Wrist band must be worn for the whole event duration. Broken wrist bands will not be honoured.

  6. Entry may be refused if tickets are damaged or defaced in any way or are not purchased through an authorised point of sale.

  7. All bookings and ticket purchases are non-transferable and may not be sold or transferred by you.

  8. The right is reserved to charge a fee for the replacement of tickets.

  9. The right of admission is reserved and is subject to the event organiser and the venues terms of admission.

  10. It is a condition of entry that you submit to a search of person or possessions on entry to the venue if we decide to take such action.

  11. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept liability of any nature for the acts, omissions or default of those providing services in connection with us or any liability for any injury, damage, loss, delay or additional expenses which are incurred at or in association with this event. Where legislation implies any condition or warranty which cannot be excluded or modified, that condition or warranty will be deemed to be included in this agreement. However, our liability for any breach of such condition or warranty will be limited, at our option, to the resupply of the services or the cost of having the services supplied again. In no event will we be liable for any indirect, consequential, exemplary or special damages.

  12. You acknowledge that neither we nor the venue will be responsible for any loss or damage to the property (including personal property such as bags, money or other personal items) brought to or purchased at the event by you or your invitees.

  13. You will be liable for any loss or damage caused at the event by you or your invitees.

  14. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone the event for any reason.

  15. You must ensure that you and your invitees act in an orderly manner when attending the event. We may refuse entry or evict you or any of your invitees if they are behaving in a disorderly, offensive or inappropriate manner.

  16. There will be no refund on any unused portion of tickets if you or your invitees are asked or forced to leave or if you decide not to attend any part of the Event.

  17. Pursuant to your booking, we may need to collect and keep personal information about you including your name, address, credit card or payment details, telephone number and the names of all ticket allocations. We may need to disclose your personal information as required by law or as permitted under the Privacy Act. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we will handle your personal information.

  18. We care for the environment and community. Please be respectful and place any litter in the bins provided around the venue.